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March 23, 2005



I will leave you in waiting on the CW rehearsal, but I think we'll be holding off until next week before the big gig on SATURDAY, APRIL 2, 2005 @ DOC RYAN'S on Madison St. in Forest Park . That's Madison Street, just east of DesPlaines Ave, in Forest Park.

And how is Dogness? And I will ask again, and continue to ask regardless of the school/job decision - would you like to take another Dawgness (definately not a D-O-G kind of dog)?


Sure, do this all when I'm going out of town tonight and won't be able to squee or yell at you. ;)


Ok pookie - Code West will also be playing on SATURDAY, APRIL 23 at O'SULLIVANS on Madison Street in Forest Park. That's CODE WEST, APRIL 23 @ O'SULLIVAN'S on Madison St. in Forest Park, between Harlem and Circle on the South side of the street.

(like how I work in a shameless plug?)

Have a great Easter and travel safely!!! MUST get the Highnesses together soon.


Shameless is right! No, we are not accepting applications from any other dogs right now. Our dog quota is filled. This is unlikely to change in the next 10 years or so.


You do understand, though, that I am trying to take full advantage of your state of instability at the moment. If you can't decide on a school/state, then perhaps you will weaken just enough to have a lapse of reason/judgement/SANITY and decide that a second canine member of the family is EXACTLY what you need.

tee hee tee hee tee hee



"...stayed tuned," indeed! you've got me on the edge of my seat - i'm so excited for you. i know whatever happens will be for the best.

oh - and tell boychild that he is an intelligent, perfectly wonderful person regardless (or despite) of his "i.q." - it's just a number... you might keep that mind when it comes to grades in law school yourself... (just anticipating the drama of first year angst)...


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