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May 26, 2005


Liz Pendens

You should let me try to talk them into saying yes. At the original offering price.

You know how I get when I'm cranky. Not unlike a mob hitperson with PMS. ;)


Tempting! Ooooooh so tempting.


Certainly these idiots can't be the only people selling condos with a beautiful garden. Let them keep it. I know there is another place that IS perfect for you!


You know, there are actually people out there who will list their houses with no intention of actually selling—they just want to see how high a price they can demand. And if they get a really high offer, they MIGHT take it, but mostly, they just want to know what sort of price they CAN get.

Those sorts of people are idiots and jerks and ruin the home-buying experience for those of us who actually do go looking for houses intending to BUY them. Phooey on them, I say.

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