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May 21, 2005



Gorgeous! Do those bloom all summer? What zone are you in? I'm still trying to figure out what'll work in my yard.


Nah, they only bloom for a few weeks early spring. But they're so fantastic they're worth it, and unlike regular peonies they're a nice looking shrub the rest of the year. I'm in zone 5/6. I'm not sure how heat-tolerant tree peonies are. I think they originate in the far east, so they might be pretty sturdy. Try Song Sparrow Farm for more info. They have a web page and extremely high quality plants.


I'm wondering what is happening with the one you gave to us?!


i love peonies... i think they're my favorite.

as for the girlchild's graduation fingerfood situation:

artichoke leaves with corn salsa (or crab salad if you want to get fancy and aren't afraid of shellfish).


1. simply steam a few large artichoke hearts, detach flesh leaves.
2. prepare corn salsa (corn, tad bit of vinegar, salt, finely diced tomatoes and onions, perhaps diced avocado, cilantro, pepper, and a bit of chili powder and garlic).
3. spoon a bit of salsa onto the fleshy end of the artichoke leaves.

eating: the leaf will serve as a "plate" for your salsa/crab salad. guests will pick up the leaf and eat the salsa off the fleshy ends while scraping off the artichoke flesh (as you would normally). no crumbs, no mess, no tootpicks - LOVE IT!

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