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May 04, 2005



Wow! When you say GirlChild, I always picture a little girl. This is obviously not the work of a little girl. You have one talented daughter!


GirlChild is off to college in the fall, so...

Thanks! I too think I have a talented daughter! Hence the posting. :)


Hey out there! I, too have a talented daughter!! Hooray for GC (I still call her BF) and I am so glad to see the new portrait. I think I must have seen a copy of the original at one time, this looked familiar, but yes, it has a different feel to it- as you say, less watery, more defined. Good luck and prayers for both babies with the AP tests.


Awesome painting. What a gal! Music, painting...all this and cleaning her room, I bet! Oh and how about springing Pozole on the kids with the usual mouth-burning 3rd degree peppers!


WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nice work GC!


Hehe, thanks guys. Yeah, I'm short, but I'm not little. Or blue for that matter. hahahaha.
Anywho, I'm not really sure what I want to call it... the Ice Queen? Don't you even think about taking this.. I'm here to stay... Yeah, I have no clue. My history teacher said it gives a whole new meaning to the word 'turbulence.' I just hope it doesn't get stolen.


GC - There's your title for it....why not call it "Turbulence"?

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