From those pop-culture metrosexual kings at BTQ:
1. What is the earliest movie you remember watching in the theater?
Probably Fantasia. I remember waiting, and waiting, and waiting for dialogue. The part with the brooms was pretty cool.
2. If you could strike one word from the English language, which word would you choose and why?
Dentist? Banana? Last call? Those are pretty bad words.
I'd strike one phrase, the three most dangerous words in the world: "God told me." How much harm has been done with those three little words ? It's amazing to me how God always seems to tell people to maim, steal, and kill in his name -- whatever name is being used.
For every saint who hears a message of love and peace, how many hundreds or thousands hear a message of hate and violence?
Sorry, Mom and Dad. You are too rare.
3. If you were a superhero, what would be your kryptonite?
Chocolate, obviously. It's both the source of my superpowers and my greatest weakness. I'm complicated that way.
4. Would you rather win an Emmy, Grammy, Tony, Golden Globe, Oscar, Pulitzer, or Noble Prize? What work would you win it for?
I suppose my goal of world domination means the Nobel Peace Prize is not going to happen. Darn. However, the pen being mightier than the sword and all that, I think the Pulitzer would be a good substitute.
On second thought, I'm going to win the Nobel Peace Prize after all for my solution to the Jerusalem mess. Give it to the Buddhists. I think that the sacrilege of spilling so much blood over a piece of ground has removed any holiness it may have had; take it away from all those silly people* who fight over it instead of doing something constructive and give it to a neutral party.
I am now bracing myself for hate mail from any Jew, Christian, or Muslim reading my itty bitty blog. I've probably offended them all twice now, and it only took four questions to do it!
5. What is your catch phrase? Don't have one? Then make one up!
Failure. As in: "You didn't bring me chocolate? Failure!"
Contrary to some people's opinion, my catch phrase is NOT "It's all Greek to me."
*Now look, I understand that feelings run deep about this sort of thing. However, see my answer for question #2 for what I think of people who use religion as a reason for war. More understandable and defensible to me is the issue of people who are fighting to preserve their rights to their private property. I'd be awfully ticked off if someone tried to bulldoze my garden or threw a bomb into my garage to get me to move away.
Edit: I would LOVE to win the Noble Prize, especially the Neon one. Hee hee hee. Or maybe Radon. See what happens when you trustingly cut and paste? I'm amazed I didn't spell it that way in my post.
Ahh, my darling daughter!! God told me to write and reassure you we are not encouraging any killing or maiming this week. In fact Dad just blessed someone's new car and told them I do pastoral counseling. (Always drumming up business). Tomorrow we put our Jeep to work and ferry the priest way up into the hills to his new parish.
Be good. God told me you're eating WAY too much chocolate and not FEd Exing me ANY!
Posted by: MatAnc | June 10, 2005 at 02:03 PM
Many Israelis are almost entirely secular, FC. For them, they are fighting to preserve their rights to exist on their own private property.
Or just their own right to exist in peace.
I'm Jewish, fiercely pro-Israel, and I couldn't agree more with your answer to #2.
Posted by: TP | June 10, 2005 at 02:45 PM
Hi TP!
Yep, I'm aware of the whole private property/exist in peace thing, which is why I included the caveat.
It's interesting, in a car wreck sort of way, to watch the maneouvering between secular and religious segments of Israeli politics. Then again, we have plenty of that in the US too.
Posted by: Citations | June 10, 2005 at 04:07 PM