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June 10, 2005



Ahh, my darling daughter!! God told me to write and reassure you we are not encouraging any killing or maiming this week. In fact Dad just blessed someone's new car and told them I do pastoral counseling. (Always drumming up business). Tomorrow we put our Jeep to work and ferry the priest way up into the hills to his new parish.

Be good. God told me you're eating WAY too much chocolate and not FEd Exing me ANY!


Many Israelis are almost entirely secular, FC. For them, they are fighting to preserve their rights to exist on their own private property.

Or just their own right to exist in peace.

I'm Jewish, fiercely pro-Israel, and I couldn't agree more with your answer to #2.


Hi TP!

Yep, I'm aware of the whole private property/exist in peace thing, which is why I included the caveat.

It's interesting, in a car wreck sort of way, to watch the maneouvering between secular and religious segments of Israeli politics. Then again, we have plenty of that in the US too.

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