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June 27, 2005



good job.


Congrats! It must be a relief to have everything settled. The condo does look lovely.


WooHoo!!!!!!! Congratulations!!!!!! Now - Exhale and have some serious chocolate!


Phew! Glad it's over.

But keep an eye on them, because they're hinky.


Hinky, yeah. Good word for it. I am not only going to keep an eye on them myself, I'm going to warn my lawyer to not cut them a single inch of slack.

This calls for more than chocolate: I must have vodka.


Congrats. And how come lam knows what the place looks like and I don't? I know, you love other relatives more than your poor old mother!! Now- either send photos or a good description because by this time I've forgotten what you said about this place. forget the Vodka, share chocolate!


I'm delighted with the way things have come together -in spite of the hincky lunetic sellers! You have a lot of support on all levels that gets these things to happen. What I can never understand is the timing, at least while going through the ordeal.


I agree with Jill; keep your eyes on them (and your lawyer's eyes, and other people's eyes). But YAY!!! Things are working out!!




Thank goodness this is all over. I was getting sick of you sitting there practically pulling your hair out of your head. One more weight lifted off our shoulders. How nice.
Anybody got any chocolate?

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