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July 15, 2005



I can't believe you didn't say DIAMOND! It is a much better mineral than K :) You can't go wrong with a sparkly mineral.


I did think about putting down carbon, but then K just popped out. Besides, obviously TFL is my favorite animal BECAUSE he gives me pretty sparkly carbon.


Hmmmmm....are you certain you've never DRIVEN a station wagon? I know you've never OWNED a wagon, but I'm pretty certain I know of a green one that has been graced with YRH behind the wheel.


So that's what TFL stands for! And here I was thinking your husband's name was something like Thomas Fefferson Lincoln Citations.


Oh dear, would you STOP with the terrifying How I learned to drive tales, or, worse, how fast I drive, or, worstest, How my Brothers drive. My nerves in retrospect can't take it!
When I went for my learner's permit, and discovered I needed glasses, I was so horrified I didn't learn to drive for another 15 years!


Okay, I'll cop to driving someone else's station wagon when need arose and it was ever so kindly lent to me.


Hahaha, okay, so many things to comment on here... i guess I'll start from the beginning. 1) So that's where I get my habit of never sleeping from. 2) You can't be serious. 3) Preferably not me. 4) Hehe, I'll not shatter MatAnc's nerves anymore. 5) Cheater...


Cheater? How am I a cheater?

If you're not going to give me a big funeral pyre, you're out of my will. At least have the courtesy to have me cremated.

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