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July 08, 2005



Yeah, the orbiting thing would be pretty cool. And purty.


Did you know that when I saw "Church at Auverge" it hit me so hard I've never forgotten it? I even have a print of it (inadequate) I take with me wherever we go.Dad thinks that earthquake was about 6.5. The epicenter was where we live now and it destroyed many churches.


If you haven't seen the movie "Girl with a Pearl Earring" let's rent it. It's a fictional account of who she may have been in Vermeer's life. The movie is filmed with the light and colors resembling one of his paintings. I loved it!


Okay all I have to say is those are some AWESOME movie choices you made there. Monty Python and the Holy rail being among them just made you my favorite family member cuz no in my immediate family likes it (are they crazy or what???)

luv ya,

"I'm not dead yet"

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