Via the charming and urbane BTQ gentlemen:
1. What five things should you never buy used?
- lingerie
- vodka
- what
- else
- matters?
2. Sony BMG just ended a payola investigation by settling with New York Attorney General Elliot Spitzer. So let's engage in some reverse payola: What song or artist would you pay to never have to hear again, and how much would it be worth to you?
Kenny G or Yanni, the choice would be difficult. I'd pay millions.
3. In honor of the new Bad News Bears: Did you ever play little league, or other organized youth sports?
My hand-eye coordination = 0. I have exactly none. I'm not sure if this was the cause or result of not playing organized sports as a kid. However, since my mother was a ballerina and taught dance I took years and years of dance classes. This means that I may be an uncoordinated klutz, but I am a strong uncoordinated klutz.
4. What was your biggest fashion faux pas?
Tomato pants, and they weren't my fault. THL knows what I'm talking about. Or there was the time I wore a slip to school because I thought it was a dress. Hey, I was 6 and it made a perfect nurse uniform.
5. In honor of all our readers who took the Bar Exam this week: What was the hardest test you ever took?
Besides this one? The LSAT was grueling, no doubt. Not only because it's long and boring, but because so much (the future of my entire family, honor, and glory) rides on that one exam.
On the other hand, at least I didn't have a migraine the way I did when I took my SAT years and years ago. The English section was first and I was okay through most of it, but by the time I got to the math section the page was blurring in front of me and I was trying not to vomit. I have a string of test scores from high school that all look pretty similar except for this one glaring hideous BOMB of a score.
It would have scarred me for life, except that it ended up not mattering at all. The weird thing is that I had to do placement testing for 9th grade and also had a migraine during that placement test. They put me in 6th grade level math. Heh.
This post was made from the Land of Fox News.
We're going to be zooming all over town this morning. I have big plans for the pool and festive beverages this afternoon.
What else matters?
Chocolate. Duh.
Posted by: Girlchild | July 30, 2005 at 11:01 AM