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November 02, 2005



I think there's supposed to be some ABA loan you can get for judicial externships. Or something.

But yeah, that's the crappiest thing about working for a judge, even if that's the thing I want to do.


What's the difference between an internship and an externship?


That's exactly what I was wondering -- what's the difference?

Brian D.

I'm hate to say this but I have no what the differnce is. I'm sure a technical difference exists or you wouldn't need a different word for the experiences, but practically speaking they're the same thing.

I had an externship offered through school. I received class credit, but no salary. Many students did a summer internship at a firm or government entity. The firm jobs paid, but the government jobs may or may not have paid. What's the differnce as we received good experience from all? Damned if I know!


Externships are shorter -- usually a week or two.


Ah, interesting. A judicial externship lasts at least most of the summer, but an internship is for a year, so that makes sense.

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