I had a lovely few hours with TFL yesterday. Abandoning the library I headed home early in the afternoon and spent some time in the garden, pruning hedges and gaining blisters. (Note: for Mother's Day I would like new gardening gloves, since all of mine went missing in the move.) Then TFL grilled dinner, and listened patiently while I read lots of Property hypotheticals to him. After a nice meal on our back porch we watched a couple episodes of a fun and scandalous BBC show. Eventually I did trudge back to the library, but it was good to have a little break.
After the agony and uncertainty, and finally the relief, we bought this condo largely because of its little garden. It was so pretty, a gem of well-thought-out plantings and little areas to sit and enjoy the view. I've been thinking about the gardens I've left behind, how much work I put into them and how I miss certain particular plants and shrubs and trees. But this garden, it is a gift. I had to do nothing to make it. The only back-breaking labor involved was moving to it. While I'll always miss my first gardens, and wonder wistfully about their current state, I now understand how nice it is to move to an already established garden.
I can add little bits -- some flowering bulbs, a sprinkling of annuals -- but I don't have the overall responsibility any more. Someone else weeds, someone else mows, someone else turns over the dirt. I sit on my porch and admire, for at least part of one spring afternoon.
If I ever get a little garden, I want you to help me design it. Your hourly rate will be stratospheric, I know, but I suspect I could buy you off with pomegranate martinis. ;)
I did plant tulips this year-- white-edged pink and yellow. They're glorious.
Posted by: Jill | May 08, 2006 at 10:19 AM
Hi lady! I bet you thought I haven't been paying attention, didn't you. After having my own MAJOR case of pining for my former garden, I thought I'd ring in and let you know that Lady Tree Peony is flourishing and is happier than the regular ol' peony that I transplanted from the aformentioned pined-after garden (which, btw, has tons of greenery, but is still pouting and refusing to bud). The lilies are just abounding in foliage, I'm sure I'll see a stem coming through soon enough. The irises - well, the beauties have sprouted some buds and I hope to see their gloriousness VERY VERY soon.
They are all doing very well and I believe that comes from the fact that they were well loved in YOUR previous garden.
Miss you tons.
Posted by: MommyGuilt | May 08, 2006 at 03:34 PM
I can definitely be bought. Easily, in fact.
And thanks for the update, Pnut. Have patience with the peony -- it might take several more years.
Posted by: Citations | May 08, 2006 at 08:39 PM