Don't read anything.
Work through every E&E Aspen ever published.
Watch "Legally Blonde."
Read the Constitution and everything written by the Founding Fathers.
I looked at advice about preparing for law school before I went, of course. This would be me, the borderline (I'm not saying which side of the border) OCD preparation girl. Yes, my outlines were color coordinated. Moving on...
I just spent a few minutes browsing through blogs offering 0L or 1L advice. Mostly it divides into two categories: don't do a thing, or do way too much. But I suspect, after my experience this year and reading about other people's experiences, that the value of preparation, and the type of preparation most useful, might vary widely from one school to another.
So before I share with all y'all my brilliant insights into preparing for law school, I'd like to ask you: what was your experience like? Was your school heavy into policy, or was it all about Black Letter Law? Did you follow casebooks, or did your professors assign readings from outer space? Did you try to prepare, or not so much? If you choose to comment, it might be helpful if you gave some indication of the type of school you attend -- at least "local," or "national," or "back-of-the-cereal-box diploma offer."
Because I have a theory or five, but I'd like to do some "research" first.
And speaking of research, I have to clean up my act and go to work.
Oh, and the writing competition? I, uh, I know what the topic is. How's that for progress?