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June 19, 2006



My, my , my! Is this the weak-kneed lily-livered quaking one who just started in the wading pool a year ago? And now? So much good advice! Your paternal ancestor is right. It's a great education reading your blog. Go, Go, GO!
your #1 Fan

LawMommy (Colleen)

I saw your link on parens binubus. I am also of the OCD/slacker persuasion. And I am doing some pre-law prepping. You're right, its not for everyone. But I beleive I need to take some control of my learning. Thanks for the additons to my reading list, though I'll be lucky if I get through the project I have.


I remember a couple of posts on this topic--what to read before law school--by a couple of bloggers. You can find the links and my own recommendation here.


I read "Planet Law School II". It was a really cool book that made sure I started out cynical and ready to find the black letter law. As for the other books, yeah, you can get a head start if you want, but you're fine if you don't read anything before you get here.


Eh, Planet Law School is not quite ... right in the head. And it's about 700 pages too long. And, for most schools you're probably right, and even for top schools you're probably right -- for people who either don't have lives outside law school or have photographic memories. Or are about 50 times smarter than I am. Okay, that's not a high bar.

Anyway, for those poor innocents heading off to killer schools who don't meet those specs, this list might be mildly helpful. Might.

Banana Esq

Wow - that's a lot of reading - I hope you did well! I didn't do any prep before 1L but now before my second year, I bought E & E Corps & Understanding Evidence. Who knows, maybe it's time to try something new.


Hi could you email me and let me know how much for all of the books you mentioned?
[email protected]


Hi i would like to know how i can get the books you mentioned. let me know
[email protected]


I was actually taught contracts by Chirelstein. The man quoted the book cover to cover verbatim. He had the whole damn thing memorized. Read it cover to cover and got an A.

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You're right, its not for everyone. But I beleive I need to take some control of my learning. Thanks for the additons to my reading list, though I'll be lucky if I get through the project I have.

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Here's a better idea: Read whatever the fuck you want. You'll have three whole years to learn "examples and explanations.

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