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August 15, 2006



i think you should do it. Cut through all the crap, and just make your speech.

Although, what I found the problem to be during OCI is that quite a few firms sent their younger associates out to the law schools, who then did a wee bit of "peer shopping." They were looking for the cool kids who WOULD go out drinking with them until 4 a.m.

Another thing I found during last year's OCI -- "interview prep" is largely designed for people who have gone to law school directly from undergrad, and have not ever ever interviewed in their life.

i wish you the best of luck!! Are you only interviewing with local firms? Or is relocation a possibility for you guys?


I was very frank in my interviews about my situation. I didn't hurt me. I think you should be frank. It will save you a lot of angst later.

My experience was different than Zuska's, though. I interviewed mostly with senior associates or partners.


You can actually say that, in not so many words. To the right firm, it will be music to their ears.


You can actually say that, in not so many words. To the right firm, it will be music to their ears.


You should absolutely say that. I used a gentler version of those same words to help get my doddering self accepted into graduate school.

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