I had lunch with a friend of mine who happens to be a BIGLAW partner. He said some interesting things, things I hadn't heard (or hadn't heard put as frankly) elsewhere.
So now I'm rethinking my OCI bids -- now that the schedule is set, and now that the only way to get a slot with some of these firms is to sign up in a brief window before the day they come, and now that some of them don't have any slots left anyway.
Although, people cancel. Slots open.
Anyway. My main concern is to get A Job, something to do next summer and, I hope, many years to come.
Apparently, I have the instincts of a litigator. I blame my brothers. I had to learn to defend myself early and often.
Can you share some of what he said, or was it firm specific?
One thing I found was that you'll find your spot in the most unlikely of positions. The firms that are supposedly family-friendly might not be in reality and vice versa. It all depends on the partners you're working for.
Posted by: transmogriflaw | August 25, 2006 at 05:03 PM
A litigator? Oh dear. (sigh)
Posted by: ckm | August 25, 2006 at 09:33 PM
Transmogriflaw -- I'll put up another post with more details.
Mum -- are you still fussing about my wanting to be a lawyer?
Posted by: Citations | August 28, 2006 at 08:34 AM
I was told this summer (by my corporate/transactional side supervisor) that he knew from the start that I'd go with the litigation department because I "carry" myself like a litigator. He said he can't quite put it into words, but he knew it from the minute he met me --- a litigation person.
insult? compliment? not sure.
Posted by: zuska | August 28, 2006 at 11:28 AM