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October 05, 2007



You are being an amazing friend. LL and JP are very lucky to have you.


I am SO GLAD that you are able to help them with this. It is breaking my heart to read their updates, and I have experienced a terrible feeling of pure helplessness about the anonymity of all of this and the fact that I can't DO something. Even if it wasn't anonymous, I don't know if I could do more than offer my support and wishes that it will be over and cleared up for them soon. Tonight, though, I am just so glad that you are not anonymous to them and that you have been able to help.


Thank God you're around to help and take care of these calls. Sometimes the most helpful thing is a third party with a clear mind. I'm praying for them all during this horrific time and am hopeful that they come through this unscathed with good explanations and a healthy baby who heals soon. Poor little angel!


I second the "LL and JP are very lucky to have you" - I can't tell you how grateful we are. I'm tearing up typing just this little acknowledgment of it.


I'm so glad you're there for LL, JP, and Landon -- I cannot begin to comprehend how awful this week has been for them!

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