My good friend and fellow blogger is going through the most horrendous nightmare. As a parent, it's hard to imagine a worse scenario. As a friend, it's terrible to see her and her husband suffer this way.
When I endured major and minor agonies, my mother would tell me they "build character." I think LL & JP have all the character they need. They are showing the most amazing courage and honor, all while worried out of their minds about their son. Although I wish I could do so much more, all I can do is stand by with comfort and my cell phone and, yes, call lawyers.
It is interesting, and not in a good way, but lawyers can be stymied by these delicate situations as much as anyone. We're 3Ls and we know we don't have a clue, but even experienced lawyers don't either unless they work in this particular field. The ones who do work in this field are amazing and I am full of respect for them.
The good news is that we had a conversation with one lawyer who was able to give us lots of information about how the process works, who can do what, and what good next moves might be. And we got the name of a lawyer who makes the agency and the hospital tremble. Now at least some of the uncertainty is gone, and the phone number of the cavalry is at hand.
You are being an amazing friend. LL and JP are very lucky to have you.
Posted by: k | October 05, 2007 at 05:27 PM
I am SO GLAD that you are able to help them with this. It is breaking my heart to read their updates, and I have experienced a terrible feeling of pure helplessness about the anonymity of all of this and the fact that I can't DO something. Even if it wasn't anonymous, I don't know if I could do more than offer my support and wishes that it will be over and cleared up for them soon. Tonight, though, I am just so glad that you are not anonymous to them and that you have been able to help.
Posted by: Kim | October 05, 2007 at 05:44 PM
Thank God you're around to help and take care of these calls. Sometimes the most helpful thing is a third party with a clear mind. I'm praying for them all during this horrific time and am hopeful that they come through this unscathed with good explanations and a healthy baby who heals soon. Poor little angel!
Posted by: PT-LawMom | October 05, 2007 at 08:55 PM
I second the "LL and JP are very lucky to have you" - I can't tell you how grateful we are. I'm tearing up typing just this little acknowledgment of it.
Posted by: LL | October 05, 2007 at 11:02 PM
I'm so glad you're there for LL, JP, and Landon -- I cannot begin to comprehend how awful this week has been for them!
Posted by: Shelley | October 06, 2007 at 12:19 AM