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December 05, 2007


Mel Woods

Nice. Someone I barely knew once asked for my notes from the entire semester, just sending them alone would probably waste a half-hour of my time. I also turned down a request for my outline last semester from an acquaintance and she got super bitchy about it.


How truly bizarre. The only people that have ever asked for my outlines are classmates I know well. I can't imagine asking a relative strange for an outline or an entire semester of notes!


That is so odd. Why would someone ask someone they don't know for an outline? What worked for you might not work for them! I just used my syllabus as a guide to make headers, threw in info from my notes and case briefs and then filled in the gaps with the help of two commercial outlines. I also found two model charts online that I adapted with my own info. They need to be a bit more resourceful, I'd say!


Yeah, one of the reasons it's a bad idea to request outlines from just anyone is that the flip side of the etiquette is that it's bad form--or sometimes seen as bad form--to refuse.

PT-LawMom, you do exactly what I do. In exams I've found class notes to be the most helpful thing anyway. Every prof wants to hear their own words of wisdom (?) quoted back to them.

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