I got my new carrel (carell? Carrell? carel? KARELLE? It has multiple spellings, but carrel is the TypePad approved spelling.) and it is on the sixth floor. The journal office is in the basement. Today I think I trekked between them about ten times, and I wasn't even at school all day. When you're taking the stairs, and hauling around a computer and books, that gets to be a pretty good workout.
At one point, there was someone sitting in my carrel. He was astonished that they were reserved. Um, do you see the textbooks, and the personal belongings strewn all over some of them (not mine)? But I said hey, no problem, grabbed my Con Law book and went back to the office to read. I mean, I have options for reading locations even if the office is a war construction zone and the opposite of quiet a lot of times (same could be said for the 6th floor, I guess).
When I went back later to swap textbooks he was gone anyway.
Now if I could just get the guy behind me to quit chewing gum with his mouth open, and taking phone calls, and generally disturbing the peace, life would be peachy.
I'd settle for him not smacking his gum. I hate that sound.
You and niece Lindsey (aka, "The Gum-Slayer") have at least one thing in common.
Posted by: Chris | January 10, 2008 at 07:05 AM
I'd take gum-snapping over someone clipping their nails in an otherwise quiet library.
Posted by: E. McPan | January 15, 2008 at 07:54 PM