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April 17, 2008



Your primary disposition would prevent the descent into the depths of verbal cruelty and spiteful spirit you see in the work you are editing. Your ability to be reflective and observant to the degree of analysis that highlights patterns of behavior also will stand you well. You do not suffer foolishness gladly, but more importantly, you do not want to be meanly critical.
The criticism you need to do is based on reason and is done for a beneficent reason.
I am proud of your care for other's feelings in response to your words. So many of us throw out verbal jabs (oral or written) carelessly, not heeding the destruction left in the wake.
You are not like that.


I second Chris. The very instinct that leads to ask whether you are like that person makes it almost impossible that you could ever be.

And should your New City work all the empathy out of you and make you hard enough to come close to the colleague mentioned above, I will smack it out of you. As will, I imagine, your mother.

Not that I think you'll ever need it.


Thank you both. And, LL, I'll hold you to that promise!


Yes indeedy, LL. I would. And I hope it was not I who said the idiotic remark about spots etc.
Have changed mine off & on, and still do.

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