Mostly, I'm not going to rehash the bar exam.
It seems to have been the Year of Secured Transactions, which I find unfortunate because I did not study that subject even a little. I went to the class, I filled out the hand out, I moved on. It was at the bottom of the list for frequency of testing, and I had other priorities such as learning something about corporations--which was not tested.
So there you go. I did remember enough about the subject to scribble a few sentences on the subject.
That was the low point of day one. Day two, I was still sleep-deprived so when I finished the multiple choice section in the morning an hour early I took a nap. I felt better when I woke up so I went over some answers, made sure I had read carefully. Still, I have no idea how I did on it. When I was doing practice tests sometimes I thought I was doing really well and it was disastrous, sometimes I thought it was dreadful and I did extremely well. So who knows?
We'll find out in only 4 months or so. In the meantime I'll continue to have nightmares that I wrote my essays in the wrong books.
On my bar exam last year there were two separate essays, one on secured transactions and one on commercial paper. I of course barely studied either, but you know what, I passed. Don't stress over it I'm sure you did fine.
Posted by: Infant Attorney | August 05, 2008 at 08:23 AM