We had another little snow flurry here. It looked like about a foot of snow was sitting along the Park wall, and street corners are fairly disastrous. I made it into work, though, for a while, where I was not stunningly productive but did cross a few things off my list. I left early and introduced a friend from work to the evils joys of knitting -- we stopped at a local yarn store and got her started with needles and thick alpaca and the beginnings of a beautiful scarf -- and then I headed home.
I swear, from the time I left work to the time I got home I developed a full-blown fever/cold/sore throat. Or maybe it's pneumonia, or the Plague. But I'm guessing it's a bad cold, because that always feels worse than anything else except maybe actual death. I can feel it swooping into my lungs even as I type.
I've made tea, I've wrapped myself in layers of cashmere, and now I have to log back into work to finish some stuff up which I am hoping I can do while somewhat befuddled with what really feels like one of my extremely rare fevers. But after that my plans for the weekend are simple: knit, sleep off this misery, and watch the Olympics. Not necessarily in that order, but possibly all at once.
Are you better now?
Posted by: Patancester | February 28, 2010 at 04:07 PM