We went to the shore yesterday morning and successfully avoided being nipped at by sharks, so we're still all in one piece.
The ocean: the cure for anything that ails you. Except for the sunburn you get if you, unlike, say, me, do not wear a metal coating. You know the kind of sunblock lifeguards wear on their noses? I put something similar all over, and I still got a little red on my shoulders but not bad. TFL is lobster-ish, unfortunately.
After taking the sea cure for a few hours we stopped at Ick-ee-ah and did a terrible job of shopping. We walked out with 8 dish towels for $5 and not much else. I do love new dish towels, so I don't consider it a complete loss, but let's face it: TFL and I are not good at Big Stores.
We also wandered through one of those absurdly cute neighborhoods with the quaint little shops and cafes. We had an exquisite dish of beets and avocados -- I know, sounds weird, but it was fantastic -- at a little French bistro. And yes, of course I found a yarn shop and bought a needle I needed to finish a sweater. TFL found a meat-and-cheese shop and bought some kind of, well, meat. I don't know, I'm not eating it. Oh, and some very tasty olives, too, which I will eat.
All in all, a nice day off for both of us. We need to remember more often that we have this shore thing right here, all close and convenient -- at least, convenient if our timing is good.
Today's agenda: a long ride, and finishing up a knitting project or two. It's good to have goals.