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September 26, 2014



While I'm sorry to see the way they treated you, I hope at some point (and soon!) you will come to think of this as a marvelous opportunity. I didn't stick around BigLaw as long as you did, but once I found my own small firm and specialized practice, I realized acutely what I had been missing there. And without a doubt, the opportunities available to me now far exceed any that were available to me then -- professionally and personally.

Wishing you the best.


Ugh. It is frustrating how capricious workflow can derail a big law career. My firm's answer was to bump me around from office to office, but my last day is on Tuesday because I couldn't stomach the continuation of my "world tour" of our offices. There are lots of mixed feelings. You articulate them very well in this post. Given how successful you were when work was available to you in big law, it's exciting to think how you will thrive in your new role. Good luck!


I think I'm a little younger than you, but I was hired by BigLaw at 35. I followed the same path you describe, and after 5 years, moved to a smaller firm. This is a better fit. I like the work, the people, and the culture much more than I liked big law. I hope you find the same.

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