Way back in the day, before I even started this blog, I stumbled upon blogs by googling for something and then following link to link to link. It was fun, and I never knew quite where I'd end up. There was a certain rhythm to it, too. Click--nothing new, go back. Click, read. Click--oh look! Shiny new template! Click, read, click.
Then two things happened. One, I got Google Reader and started pulling all my blog reading through that. Two, Blogger changed commenting procedures so that I couldn't leave comments without logging out of my gmail account, back in with another account and a password I could never remember, etc. So even when I went to a blog, I often couldn't leave a comment.
And you know I can't stop myself from contributing my two cents.
I realized the other day that I was beginning to feel estranged from my own little blogging community. Also, it seems that Blogger has somewhat reformed itself and will allow me to again post as Citations. Putting all that together, I think I'm going to stop using Reader for the blogs I like to visit regularly. I'm going to go back to the click and read, and drop a few comments here and there. Maybe I'll make some fun discoveries while I'm at it.
In the meantime, Google, I know you're reading this. Please figure out a way for me to be logged in under two different names simultaneously. That would greatly facilitate my double life. Thank you.
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