Law school -- I suppose like any other trial by fire/endurance test -- tends to encourage close and lasting friendships. There's something about sitting at the library together at 1 am, frantically trying to finish a paper, or seeing each other from 8 am to midnight for two weeks straight while you're cite-checking law review comments, that really lets you get to know and like your classmates. And if not the long hours in the library, there are the daily encounters in the lounge between classes where you trade comments on the latest gossip or reading for class.
Some classmates stand out for their cleverness, others for their oddities (especially at my school). And some stand out for being an all-around charming and interesting person, bright and funny and kind and someone whose company is simply a pleasure. One such of my classmates died yesterday, so unexpectedly I still can't believe it even though the news of his death hit the wire services.
I knew him so briefly, and others knew him better, but I truly liked and admired him. My heart goes out to his family, and all his many friends. GF will leave a hole in all our lives, forever.
But I suspect that he would cut short any mawkishness by making some sacrilegious and brutally funny remark. It was one of my favorite things about him -- he was a man of sharp humor and a keen appreciation for the absurd.
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