As you might have noticed, new! and improved! We hope.
We here at Frequent Citations are wasting time abandoning all foolish hopes of productivity working to make your lives better by improving our blog. Note that you may now subscribe to the feed by clicking that wee orange feed button, over on the right. Or you may choose to get exciting email updates, every time we have a brilliant insight into the workings of the world! You will also get emails every time we choose to add more shlock content, but good with the bad and all that.
We are also contemplating some drastic steps. Perhaps even (you might want to sit down) changing the banner. It's so... dull. Which might be appropriate, but still, some are agitating for a change to reflect our dynamic and exciting lifestyle of studying and ignoring housework.
We are also going to stop using the editorial we, but we occasionally get carried away.
One more thing: a huge congrats to my friend who won a big writing prize for 1Ls. I didn't know most of the other winners (which says something, but I'm not sure what), but this guy rocks and totally deserved the win. Way to go! I know, what good is anonymous congratulations? Well, since I suspect he knows of this blog's existence but is willfully pretending ignorance, maybe he'll get it.
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